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Gieteco will be your partner when it comes to ICT and electronics applications.

Thanks to our all-in-one service we can guarantee a flawless project.

We take all of your wishes into consideration and try to accomplish them thoroughly. Even more, we see to it that you are always provided with the necessary equipments, electronics applications and cable infrastructure.

Gieteco also advises your company when selecting hardware, software, computer networks and capacity.

Even more, Gieteco gives you the chance to choose from a wide variety of PC’s: personal computers, laptops, computer equipments and additional tools.

We may also be of use to you when it comes to Internet applications, scripts, databases, web hosting and registration of domains.

General Informatics and Electronics Engineering Company Ooghe - ing. Gert Ooghe - Lessensestraat 66 - 9500 Geraardsbergen - gsm +32477627877 - fax +3254512286 -