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Gieteco is specialised in ICT solutions for small and medium companies.

Service and products

Gieteco supports companies in every possible way as far as automaticalisation is concerned.

Being an advice agency, we guarantee a smooth guidance of each project, as well as a thorough aftercare.

You will be informed of every ICT innovation, so you will be able to get along with the latest trends in the computer business.


Gieteco will create the best network for your company and will advise when enlarging your present network.

Server Control can take place either remote, or on location.

Internet and e-mail

Gieteco is an expert guide in the world of the Internet.

Gieteco will take care of Internet applications within your company.

You may turn to us for web hosting, but also for creating a new web page or elaborating your existing web page.

We are also involved in e-commerce and the design and control of systems for e.g. online ticket selling or online ticket reservations.

Our marketing expertise ensures you of a lot of site knowledge with the public.

We try to make the Internet freeway an accessible and affordable road for you to travel.

With Gieteco’s help, your web page will not only be the sign par excellence for your company, but also an important element within your marketing mix.

Tailor made projects and project guidance

Gieteco will guide you through the informatisation process of your company.
After meeting our client, we make an analysis of the current status, after which we draw up a prognosis for the future.

This information will be used to build an ICT plan. The actual execution of this plan only takes place in function of your demands and your available budget.

Other partners may be included in this process, after consulting the client.

Mail for more information:

General Informatics and Electronics Engineering Company Ooghe - ing. Gert Ooghe - Lessensestraat 66 - 9500 Geraardsbergen - gsm +32477627877 - fax +3254512286 -