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General Informatics and Electronics Technology Engineering Company Ooghe (Gieteco) is your faithful partner when it comes to tailor made ICT and electronics applications.

CEO Gert Ooghe founded Gieteco in 2001.

Today we are a constantly growing advice and consultancy agency.

Our main drive mainly consists of these central elements: care for quality, efficiency and service.

Our all-in-one service is characterised by a unique know-how in the fields of analysis, programming, aftercare of each project.

Onze totaalservice wordt gekenmerkt door een unieke know-how, zowel op het gebied van analyse en programmering als bij de opvolging van elk project.

Our never-ending motivation and experience in the most diverse surroundings and sectors provide you with the best quality.


In 2000, CEO Gert Ooghe graduated as industrieel ingenieur elektronica ontwerptechnieken aan de Hogeschool Gent.

In 2001he received an academic degree in a supplementary study of informatics at the University of Ghent.

Meanwhile, he collected at OpenUniversiteit other degrees in:
  • Gedistribueerd programmeren met Java
  • Discrete Wiskunde
  • Software engineering : een objectgeorienteerde benadering
  • Informatiesystemen : modelleren en specifiëren
  • Inleiding kennistechnologie
  • Het ontwerpen van mens-machine interactie
  • Programeerpracticum Java
  • Topics van Communicatietechnologie

  • General Informatics and Electronics Engineering Company Ooghe - ing. Gert Ooghe - Lessensestraat 66 - 9500 Geraardsbergen - gsm +32477627877 - fax +3254512286 -