3. Online applications
Thanks to the use of database technology a lot of online applications are possible: from easy calculators to the online composition of personalised proposals.
The integration of scripts and applets ads a dynamic and interactive touch to your web page.
Streaming Video, Mpeg, mp3, animations, application forms and databases are just some of many examples.
The applications will be chosen in the light of broadbandneeds, compression, etc.
Gieteco watches over the user friendliness of all the applications.
Some examples of internet applications:
Camera security
Logging applications and statistics
e-commerce applications
systems of reservation for restaurants, theatres, etc.
data collection systems and database consultation
automatic creation of e-mail listings
For more information, mail us at: webdesign@gieteco.be
Gieteco waakt ook over de gebruiksvriendelijkheid van alle toepassingen.
Enkele voorbeelden van internettoepassingen:
loggingtoepassingen en statistieken
reservatiesystemen voor restaurants, zalen, theatervoorstellingen ...
dataverzamelsystemen en databankconsultatie
automatische creatie van e-maillistings
Mail voor meer informatie: webdesign@gieteco.be